This is Kelly, a proud mother to two very, very demanding twin boys. From the very beginning of motherhood, the one thing that I have been always worried about was my children’s safety. Even before they were rolling over, I had my whole house baby proofed!
Having had twins, it was always double the worry for me. When my babies learned to crawl and then walk, I was almost frantic. Every nook and corner of my house seemed, to me, to be waiting to hurt my babies. I lived in a house that was two-storied, and thus had the added worry of a staircase, as well as the kitchen and the entrance to the backyard which I always kept open.
Safety gates seemed to be a great idea to me. I have seen all my friends use safety gates when their children had started crawling or walking, and they had seemed very relaxed with the arrangement – when they were sure their children would not be toddling off to an area of the house they deemed dangerous the moment they were not looking.
The safety freak that I am, I started researching safety gates long before I had the need for them. I had a lot of criteria that needed looking after – how strong the gates were, their durability, the area they would cover, whether they are versatile in their use, how easy they were to install and use, and of course, how much they cost. I took my time deciding on the right safety gate for my house, and was very happy with my choice at the end.
That was when I decided to start this site for other parents in my position. Retractablebabygateguide.com is a website where you will find information on all the retractable safety gates available in the market, as well as all of their features, pros and cons. Here, hopefully, all the reviews will help you choose not only the gate that fits your every need but your budget as will.
Safety gates are important! If you have a child (or two, like me!) who is starting to crawl, be assured that pretty soon they will be off to discover every nook and corner of your house. You need to barrier some of the areas that you don’t want your children to enter, especially the staircase, the fireplace, balconies, kitchen or the front- and back-yard.
I hope my website and my views on the matter help you choose the right safety gate for your family. Good luck and happy parenting!
P.S – if you need some help choosing the right gate, feel free to contact me via